Rabalikõ rabavee niisked salvrätikud beebile on mõeldud imikute ja laste õrnale nahale (24 tk pakendis)
Rabalikõ Bio PeatWater baby wet wipes cleanses, moisturizes and refreshes the skin. pH < 6,5
Can be used all over the baby body. Perfect product for cleansing newborn and baby skin.
Use it 2-3 times a day.
Toode on vaba parabeenidest, silikoonidest, mineraalõlidest, PEG -dest, sünteetilistest lõhna- ja
colourants. There is no alcohol added.
Ingredients: 99,10% Bio PeatWater (all naturals ingredients: Humid and Fulvic acids, Sterols,
Fatty acids and Minerals), Phenoxyethanol.
Toode on mikrobioloogiliselt ja dermatoloogiliselt testitud.